Monday, 22 June 2015

Teaser Trailers

Les Miserables- As Les Mis is already a very successful musical, people know it very well. Therefore, people know the songs and the plot. In this trailer, they revealed no continuous footage and only played one song so it did not reveal too much. This left the audience wanting more.

War Horse- Again, it reveals not much footage so the audience are not fully aware but they use footage from different stages of the film so it leaves the audience wanting to see the film. Regarding sound, there is no dialogue so the audience do not know much at all but the music used is very powerful.

Frozen- As the target audience for this film is a younger audience, the director needs to be very careful when producing the teaser as it needs to catch their attention which is harder at their age. In this teaser, they use the most amusing parts and don't reveal much of the plot at all. This is because a proper trailer would confuse the audience so they have to have continuous footage.

Hunger games- The sound in this teaser was very tense and it left the audience wanting to find out more. It did not reveal much footage and the way they cut it created suspicion. It therefore fulfilled it's role as a teaser very well.

Jurassic World- This is a very short teaser, it does not show much at all and has some text that suggests with very minor detail what the film will be about. It suggests it is in the adventure genre by what is written. By providing very little information about every aspect, it makes the audience want to watch it.

Paper Towns- Compared to other teasers, this revealed a lot about the film and was on the line of being a theatrical trailer. It was within the time limit of a teaser but it was one of the longer ones. This suited this type of film as it is hard to tease the audience with this film as you need to reveal a fair amount of the film as it is a complex storyline so the audience would want to understand it before seeing the film.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire- As everyone tended to know the story of this film due to the popularity of the novels, it was not necessary to give away the plot too much. Therefore, they teased the audience by showing some highlights of the film with dynamic music which took the audience in.

Love, Rosie- This teaser fits the comedy genre very well. It shows the most humorous parts which makes the audience want to see more. The footage they have chosen teases the audience very well. This suggests you have to be very clever in what you show when putting together a teaser trailer.

The Fault in Our Stars- This fitted the genre of romance well as the music reflected the mood, it had just a romantic quote as a voiceover and it did not reveal much so the audience would want to find out more.

Maze Runner- The lighting in this teaser is very dark which creates a sense of uncertainty for the viewer. When this is combined with the wide range of shots, this is very dramatic and as there is not much revealed, this drama makes the audience want to watch the film when it comes out and find out more.

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