Wednesday, 23 March 2016


This is the link for our website for our trailer, 'The Deep End.' We wanted to keep the same pleasing aesthetic style we have been consistent with in our trailer for our website and our poster.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Poster genre research

Here are some posters from the Romance Genre which we used for inspiration when creating our poster.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Choice of Font

We chose a basic font, Avenir, inspired by the trailer for the Romantic Drama 'Carol'. We wanted to keep it simple to compliment the aesthetics and avoid something to bold and extravagant.

Across all three of our ancillary products we used a variation of this font, from 'Avenir Medium' to "Avenir Light' and simply 'Avenir', occasionally placing it in bold for emphasis, and keeping it thin and simple for a more subtle effect. We made sure that we kept the font the same for continuity across our trailer, poster and website.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Editing Schedule

Once we had finished filming all of our footage, we used lesson time to all collaboratively edit our trailer together. This worked well as it meant we did not need to meet up to edit together and it meant everyone had an equal chance of contributing their ideas. It also worked well to edit in lessons as it was the best use of our time as it was the time we were all together. Therefore, as such, we did not really have an editing schedule.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Editing and Post-Production

We edited the footage on Adobe Premiere Pro which was different to Final Cut Pro but meant that I was able to learn a new program with different effects. The Adobe Creative Cloud Package also came with After Effects and Photoshop. After Effects helped us with colour correction and adding grain and noise to create a sort of Super Eight, vintage effect whereas Premiere Pro gave us a very accurate and easily navigable program to create our trailer with.

We added images over the top where festival logos and our own production logo were edited so that the black was transparent and they could be placed over our own footage. 

Here is an example of layering footage during the montage sequence. We altered the opacity so that you could see both shots together in one frame. 

The Deep End Final Trailer

This is our trailer, 'The Deep End' produced by Super8 Productions.

Bloopers- The Deep End

Here is a collection of some of the outtakes whilst filming our trailer.